
I used to walk in circles around the corners of my mind..
trying to understand,
figure out
the reasons
when all I had to do was to dive into the blue,
swim with the dolphins and the mermaids
ride the crystal ship inside my head
and take the journey into your deep blue sea.

Blue scented mysteries unfold
as You unfold the secrets
My secrets.

Drinking down your vocabularies,
your words
your whole existance
Taking small bites of your mystery fruits
sour and sweet creating weird visions in my head.
..and I watch the secrets explode..
The fear
The pain
The grey

[remember when you said no fear?]

it's gone.
I pushed my hand over its mouth..
press down..
But you know this already [don't you?]

Glazed and heated you put my senses on fire
I must breathe
I shouldn't forget how to do that..

My chest is eager to tell you its stories
[would you listen?]
and I promise to teach you how to breathe underwater.

Nice and slow..

[Can you see what you're doing to me?]

Please, wipe the ink off my mouth
It drips sensations..

you do this to me quite frequently

my peace is found here..
in the light.. [how is that even possible?]
in the erotic patterns you draw

Thank you for you took me back to the rainforest.


ΑκούωWhen I need you
